Kids World Learning Center

 A Safe and Nurturing Environment for Learning

Our Programs

Each classroom will post a weekly lesson plan and a schedule of activities. Kids World has open-ended learning centers, which enable children to utilize their intellectual and creative abilities. Each classroom will have teacher directed activities as well as “hands on” and practical experiments.

The curriculum includes Reading , Math, Language Development, Science, Creative Expression, Music, Manipulatives, & Special Projects. We will have daily, weekly and monthly themes that are incorporated throughout the center. We have creative indoor and outdoor play environments that include sand & water, outdoor theater, water play and  sports.


In our infant program, your children are cared for in a nurturing environment that comes from our specially trained staff who love babies. At Kids World, babies learn security and trust through comfort, cuddling and consistency. They will enjoy a playful atmosphere enhanced by toys, music, and lots of tender loving care with personal one on one attention. In order to provide your child with the best care we have divided our infant program into two separate rooms. The first room (infant room) cares for children six weeks old to 12 months old. The second room (step-up room) cares for children 12 months old to 24 months old. Both rooms are designed to care for no more than 8 babies.


Each morning our staff will ask that you inform us of any special needs for the day. At pick up time, you will receive a complete report of your baby's day including a sleeping, eating, disposition, and diapering summary. We also offer an open door policy which allows for parents to come into the center at any time of the day. We also encourage moms or dads to come in during the day and feed your baby.

Toddler & Preschool

Our Toddler & Preschool children will be in a planned environment of open-ended centers. They will have teacher directed activities as well as hands-on and practical experiments. Daily progress reports will be sent home  when your child leaves for the day.


School Age

School Age children will have planned activities in the above areas that are developmentally appropriate. We offer  spectacular before and after school activities. We have homework and study time available. We also offer a summer program which includes educational and recreational field trips.

School Age